
In recent years, the development of numerical methods for solving fluid dynamics problems has fastly grown up among the scientific community. Indeed, the wide variety of methods and their applications had a crucial impact on engineering, industry, chemistry or medicine as well as many other fields. This workshop aims to gather experts to discuss the building of numerical methods in the context of fluid dynamics and to illustrate their use with concrete applications.

NuMerics2024 is co-funded by the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM), the French Embassy in Italy and the Laboratory Ypatia of Mathematical Sciences (LYSM) within the scope of the Cassini scholarship granted through a selection by the Institut Français. The main goal of this grant is to strengthen the scientific relationship between French and Italian research groups on the international scene.

The Workshop


NuMerics2024 will take place during two half-days:

  • May 23, 2 pm - 6 pm
  • May 24,  9 am - 1 pm


The workshop will be hold in the "Aula Magna" room at

Accademia Pontaniana,
Via Mezzocannone, 8,
80134 Napoli


Registration is free but mandatory. To register, follow the above procedure:

  1. Select the tab "Registration"
  2. Create an account on Sciencesconf or HAL. If you already have an account you only need to log in.
  3. Fill in the form with your data to get registered for the event
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